
Those who consult Angela share their experience

Thanks to this book I believe in love again


I had my share of heartaches and romantic disappointments, just like anyone else. But my last breakup was particularly painful and hard to cope. I could not recover. And yet I had tried many things, but nothing would help me pull through. And then I found this eBook. I admit [...]

These orisons have enlightened my life!


I had never heard about the World of the Angels before. I was apprehensive of not knowing how to speak to them, especially to ask them for help in such an intimate part of my life. All my fear melted away when I read the first pages of the book. [...]

It gave me back hope


It’s hard for a woman to be on your own when you’re over 50. (...) In truth, before I met you, I had become a bitter woman, complaining about my own fate. I received an email from you one evening and something magical happened… When I read what you wrote, [...]

I have found my soul mate


... Angela you were right and I was lying to myself... It’s true that I was married, but I wasn’t happy. Today (...) I have found my soul mate. I wish I could have met you sooner

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