
Those who consult Angela share their experience

I feel incredibly calm now


Angela, I must confess that your name suits you, because you are an Angel to me (it’s no wonder they confide in you!)! Thanks to this angelic music, I managed to put words to what I used to feel deep within myself. But most of all, I learned how to [...]

The most beautiful thing I ever heard


When I heard this music for the first time, I was completely overwhelmed. It echoed so deep within me that it brought tears to my eyes. It is hard to express it with words because what I experienced was so wonderful. It was pure emotion, a feeling of complete harmony. [...]

Absolutely essential work


I’d already heard about it many times, but I had never personally tested Salt-based Magic . When I saw this eBook in your store, Angela, I did not hesitate, not even a second. And I don’t regret it! Salt-based magic rituals are accessible and easy to perform. No matter what [...]

Salt and Angelic Magic have enchanted my life


Dear Angela, This book has been a turning point in my life. I’ve always been interested in white magic, but I did not know how to do it or where to begin. Thanks to your book, I learned how to master Salt-based Angelic Magic, step by step. Your explanations are [...]

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