The Little Blog of the Angels

The path of the Angels that leads to Serenity

Being self-aware is the key to having a good day!

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Waking up is the time of the day when you can sometimes feel most vulnerable. And yet, it is the best time to get ready to have a good day and avoid getting up on the wrong side of the...

Angel Advice: enjoy! You deserve it

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I can imagine your reaction quite clearly when you read this advice. Yes, I am telling you to “enjoy”. It most certainly has not been high on your priority list so far. And that needs to change! Think “I want...

Inspirational quote

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Be not suspicious towards all, but be cautious and firm. Democritus

How to turn anything into a source of wonder

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Physical activity is the healthiest exercise for our well-being. It is a just compensation for our brain activity. It is also a wonderful way to be aware of your body and locate it within the magic of space. Being aware...